Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Google: Jobs

By Julia Plevin '09

While so far I have had no luck in getting a job, I have found some great jobs. I give Dartmouth College credit for helping fine-tune my internet search skills these past four years. Here are some possible ways to search for jobs online.

Note: none of these searches have been successful yet.

1. Internet Jobs – Let’s face it, we don’t know how to find anything anymore if it is not on the Internet. One thing I do when I am looking at a cool website is scroll to the bottom of the page and look for the link to “Jobs” or “Contact Us.” I have done this for websites like Facebook, Twitter, Yelp, and Dailycandy. This is especially useful if you know anything about computer science. Normally these sites are looking for people with experience, buts sometimes I stumble across an entry-level job.

2. Cool companies – When I hear about companies that sound interesting, I do what any person under sixty would do and Google the company to find out more about it. For example, when I told a friend I was interested in trends, she told me to look at Iconoculture. Upon looking at the website, I decided I was born to work at this company so I clicked on “Careers” and found my dream job. I wrote a cover letter and submitted my resume into a black hole. The first time I did this, I actually thought someone would get back to me. Now I have such little faith. If anyone has ever been successful getting a job this way, please let me know.

3. “Job” Sites – Everyone knows about idealist.com and hopefully everyone knows how to log into Dartboard and see the jobs that Career Services collects for us. I have found a few other sites that seem promising:
- Best for entry-level jobs of all sorts: One Day One Job
- Best for your younger sibling: My First Paycheck
- Best for general career advice: Career Realism
- Best for the politically-inclined: Hill Zoo
- Best for finding social change start-ups that might need assistance: Echoing Green

4. Dartmouth alum, Dartmouth alum, Dartmouth alum – I have finally begun to realize that the internet is a scary, lonely place and have started to search for Dartmouth alums to help me with the job search. You can find alums by talking to classmates, searching the career advisory database (Dartmouth Career Network), or looking at specialty groups such as The Dartmouth Entrepreneur Network or Dartmouth Alumni in Entertainment and Media .

Let’s just say that if there is a job to be found on the Internet, I will find it. However, as I continue my job search, I am learning that the Internet is useful for finding information, but nothing beats actually knowing people with connections to the job that you are interested in.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Julia,

    Thanks for the shoutout (Austin Lavin gave me the heads up). I'd love to connect - shoot me an e-mail at willy@onedayonejob.com when you get a chance.
